The Last of the Facebook Myths [Infographic]

Facebook: Myths

First stop on the social media strategy: Facebook

There is a lot more to a social media strategy than Facebook. But it’s nearly always the first consideration and for good reason. That’s where the audience is. It has by far the majority market share of the social media activity on the web.

Global stats on top social sites in March 2011:

  • Facebook 71%
  • Stumble Upon 16%
  • Twitter 4%

UK stats on top social sites in March 2011:

  • Facebook 63%
  • Stumble Upon 18%
  • Twitter 8%

USA stats on top social sites in March 2011:

  • Facebook 64%
  • Stumble Upon 26%
  • Twitter 3%

Source: Statcounter Global stats.

So in a lot of cases, it’s the starting point to convincing the business and building a successful social strategy. So what happens if you get stopped at the first hurdle. ‘We don’t have a social fit’. ‘It’s for teenagers’ and so on.

In some cases you find that it’s not that Facebook is not a recognised channel. It’s just not valued enough because it’s a newer channel, so it’s more uncomfortable territory when signing off budget. Some questions surrounding credibility, to be in such a social channel and fear of the crowd. In these instances budget and business support can be non existent. I’ve put together a few of the most common objections that I’ve come across in this infographic, along with a few very honest answers.


After the first hurdle, measurement is the deciding factor

Once you have got past the first hurdle. The last point ‘proving return on investment’ is without doubt the most contentious. If you have an ecommerce side to your business it’s easy enough to put Google analytics in place to segment and tag your referrals from Facebook. Vouchers and other unique Facebook only tactics can also start to give you an indication of business value.

But it’s the softer measures that are more difficult to to prove, but can be equally as valuable to your business. Sometimes the best way to get buy in, is to compare it to existing value metrics, used in other channels.  For instance –  each new ‘like’ (fan) has a value to your business. In the same way that capturing an opted in email address has a value to the business. Frequency of message / propensity to convert – is still valid.

Other softer value measures such as feedback, research and customer service can all be extra ‘business value’ arguments. Ultimately measurement and proof, is a much more detailed discussion and it’s certainly not a one size fits all. But ultimately confidence and a successful leap over the first hurdle comes first.

By Nick Bennett from “Social Media Today”.
More Facebook Marketing Tips

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